I was on facebook the other night and one of the updates that popped up in my feed referred to something called a “Digital Perm”. It contained a listing for places in the city that offered this service. I felt like I had heard of this term but had no idea what it entailed. So I googled it.
A Digital Perm is… a hot perm, where the rollers are connected to a big machine where only the ends of your hair get curled. It looks hilarious. The things we put ourselves through for beauty. lol!
In my search, I came across examples of what the perm can look like. Notice the one where the girl is just in her underwear next to the bed post? I love the hair in that one. One more series of examples. I almost forgot that I had just chopped off a lot of my hair about 2 months ago. At this point, I was already contemplating the perm. LOL!
Then I scrolled down on the Digital Perms blog and noticed this post including a youtube video on how to get wavy hair with the sock bun. Watch the sock bun secret first. I’ve posted both below. Incredible!!
Incredible for many reasons:
- It’s a great way to use up all those spare socks you have. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that lose their partner mysteriously after washing or wearing. Ugh! So many spares.
- No chemicals (environmentally friendly!). It’s just your hair, a bit of water, and the sock.
- No curling iron/straightener OR perm required. The curls were so defined it reminded me of when people actually get their hair curled or permed. I have tried using a curling iron in the past and I could never get it to curl the way I wanted it too. Plus, my arm would ache and I’d always fear burning myself.
- Money saver. Couldn’t we all use a little more in our pocket?
- Time saver. No need to sit in the salon chair for +2 hours while your butt falls asleep. Ohh yeah. Since the magic happens while you sleep, you get to sleep comfortably and get your hair set at the same time. Multi-tasking while you sleep. :)
- No long term commitment necessary. So you feel like going curly tomorrow. Just spend a few minutes the night before doing this prep and in the morning you can be a beautiful wavy haired princess.
I wish I had longer hair to try this out. I got my hair cut and thinned (thinned a lot) a couple months ago and it’s going to be a while until I have it in all it’s full/thick gloryness.
Since I have straight hair, I sometimes want some curl to change things up a little. I’ve tried using buns, braids and french braiding as more natural ways to achieve curls but this video looks like it would be less time, better curls, and more comfortable to sleep in.
A few years ago, this was what I wanted, curly hair on my ends. I thought the only way to achieve it without buying a curling iron was to get a perm. And I did. The chemicals made me want to wretch while I was in the chair. Then, gradually the smell became less strong as I washed my hair overtime. I think I actually got the look I wanted (curls from my cheekbones down) 6-7 months after my perm grew out.
Have you ever gotten a digital perm before? How did it work out?
If anyone tries the above method of curling, please let me know how it goes. I’d recommend trying it out on a night when you don’t have to be anywhere the next morning (just in case it isn’t to your liking so you still have time to master it before showcasing it to the world). I am hoping to try it out when my hair gets longer.